Bathtub Refinishing Scams – Referral Sites Using Call Forwarding and Companies Using Fake Local Address. Here’s A Reality Check… Let’s shine a light on…
Referral tub refinishing companies are not franchises, they advertise all over the nation as a local company and hire low ball sub-contractors to do the work. They take a commission and have no oversight how the work is done. I consider this one of the bathtub refinishing scamsThey advertise ridiculously low pricing and fake coating names.
Are the subs properly insured? What process are they using and what coatings are they actually using?
Using FAKE ADDRESSES! To lead you into believing they have a local business.
Just a few of many bathtub refinishing scams and problems you should be aware of. In this video you discover that 80% of refinishing contractors are using fake addresses. Always do your homework and research a company before hiring to avoid bathtub refinishing scams.
Bathtub Refinishing Scams – Referral Sites Using Call Forwarding and Companies Using Fake Local Address. Here’s A Reality Check… Let’s shine a light on…
Would you knowing hire a company using these deceitful practices? Would you consider them to be bathtub refinishing scams?
Scam is defined as a “fraudulent or deceptive act or operation”. So I feel comfortable calling what these “Company’s” are doing, a bathtub refinishing scams.
They hide their address, or hire subcontractors to do the work and collect a referral fee. This is not illegal but I do find it a bathtub refinishing scam with miss-leading operation and deceitful practice refinishing bathtubs.
They make it appear as thou they are a local company or make it impossible to find them should you have a real problem, will they respond?
You can easily avoid these problem by doing just a little investigation.
- Super simple to find and avoid them, when choosing a refinishing company, just go to Classic Google Maps and enter a company name and or phone number. See if the company has a place marker, if they do go to street view. You’ll be amazed at what you see.
- A legitimate company will also be listed with the Better Business Bureau. Enter your location and enter the company’s name. Look for A+ Accredited rating.
- It’s also good practice to Google a company name and add the word complaints or ripoff.
- Lastly, I recommend you simply ask for a Certificate of Insurance be emailed or faxed from their carrier. You’ll want to look too see that the box for Exempt is checked “NO” for Workman’s Comp. Meaning they are not exempt. And be sure to check for a local address. To see an example go here.
You need to know if the sub-contractor they use is fully insured with Workman’s Comp. In the video below I’ll show you everything you need to know to avoid bathtub refinishing scams.

No one likes being fooled with deceptive advertising. But mainly It’s important to note that “Sole Proprietors Sub-Contractors” are not Required to have Workman’s Compensation on themselves. This is true for the majority of refinishing companies who are not incorporated.
You’ll be held responsible as the “Employer” This is a huge problem for you, should the sub-contractor be injured on your property. You could be sued as the employer.It is your responsibility to ensure your hiring a legitimate company by requesting a Certificate of Insurance be sent to you. This is true anytime you hire a contractor.
With a tough economy everyone’s looking for a “DEAL” and it’s no deal when you get hurt by bathtub refinishing scams or worst yet sued! By an under-insured injured contractor.
It’s super simple to get Certificate of Insurance and you’d be “FOOLISH” not too.
Here’s a sample email we receive regularly. This Client not only had to pay twice but had to pay to remove the junk they used. He diffidently ran into a bathtub refinishing scams.
Hello, I am interested in scheduling a tub refinishing project. The details are below:
Tub: porcelain, was recently refinished by a previous contractor (about four months ago – I’m not happy with the work)
The tub was refinished in mid-May by Bathtub Refinishing of Washington DC and the work was mediocre, errors were made and attempted to be corrected, and poorly done so. I joined Angie’s List shortly thereafter and have found through my research that your company appears to have the kind of ratings that make me feel more confident about having the work done again, the right way.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss the work, a possible estimate of charges, and to schedule an appointment. The best way to reach me is by telephone at my office during the day: 202-xxx-xxxx.Thank you. Mr. Davis
Becky Richards
I followed your advise on the video and OMG you were right. I found the referral sites posing as a local company and others using fake addresses. Bless you for putting this out there. I only wish your company was in Ohio.
I hope this article on Bathtub Refinishing Scams has been helpful. If so give us a thumbs up or post any comment or questions below.
Becky Richards says
November 20, 2014 at 11:58 am (Edit)
I followed your advise on the video and OMG you were right. I found the referral sites posing as a local company and others using fake addresses. Bless you for putting this out there. I only wish your company was in Ohio.
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I followed your advise on the video and OMG you were right. I found the referral sites posing as a local company and others using fake addresses. Bless you for putting this out there. I only wish your company was in Ohio.